For people and planet over profits.

Check us out on Instagram, Twitter (a.k.a. "X"), Facebook, or BlueSky!

The Green Party of Allegheny County (GPOAC) is an eco-socialist progressive political party that promotes grassroots democracy, social justice, ecology, and peace

Members of the Green Party can be found at fracking protests, rallies to save public transit, Healthcare for All meetings, Queer and Trans Pride marches, showing solidarity with Palestinians – we’re all over the place working for progressive values.

Please join us by registering as a Green voter and consider running for office yourself! We meet regularly to discuss events and strategy for future elections, we hope to see you at the next meeting!

More About the Green Party

Our candidates for office are required to sign a pledge that they will not take corporate or super PAC donations and will uphold the Green Party's 10 Key Values both during the campaign and when elected to office.

We do all of our party business publicly in the spirit of transparency and openness, key factors in grassroots democracy that we wish to bring to government when elected.

We invite you to join us to work for the greater good and change our political and economic system for the better!