The Green Party of Allegheny County (GPOAC) welcomes all interested new members that wish to drive progressive change in the Pittsburgh region. Please review our Party Platform to learn more about us and decide if you would like to join.

You must be a registered Green in order to vote on party business in the General Assembly. Please follow the instructions below to Register to Vote as a Green.

Even if you are registered in another political party, we encourage all interested to attend meetings and events as a non-voting participant. We are looking to build a progressive coalition in the county and welcome your support and point of view on how to obtain progressive change for our region.

Where Do I Get Started?

You do not have to be a full registered member in order to get involved in our working groups and committees, so we invite all potential new members to first get involved in our work and see if you enjoy it.

We also occasionally have New Member Welcome calls/meet-ups. Please contact us if you're interested in when the next call will be.

Ready To Become A Full Member?

Register to Vote as a Green

Voters in Allegheny County must register as a member of the Green Party to be officially counted as a member of GPOAC and to have full voting privileges at General Assembly meetings.

In 2020, the Green Party of PA received enough votes to qualify as minor party status. This means that when you fill out your voter registration form, you need only check the box for Green Party! If you received an older registration form that does not list Green Party, then simply check the "Other" box and enter "GREEN" in the party name box.

register green on question 8 of online application

The Allegheny County website provides full details of voter registration requirements.

Voluntary Membership Dues

While we do not require dues for membership, we do suggest members contribute voluntary monthly dues to help us build our local party and our Green movement; see our statement below:

Voluntary dues can be paid online in either monthly installments or one yearly payment, or can be paid by cash or check at our monthly meetings. You can also mail a check to our P.O. Box. Thank you for your support!