Student Internships
GPOAC will begin taking applications for the 2025 campaign season in March.
If you are a student interested in an internship, please contact us as soon as possible so we can discuss how to best make your internship a successful and fun experience!
If you are a student interested in an internship, please contact us as soon as possible so we can discuss how to best make your internship a successful and fun experience!
The Green Party of Allegheny County works together with the Green Party of Pennsylvania's GreenWave Team to provide student internships. By working with local party members and campaign staff, students can gain valuable experience in political science and community organizing!
Potential internship projects
Establishing or expanding a local Campus Greens chapter at a Pittsburgh-area college (for details on how start a Campus Greens chapter, see the Green Party of Pennsylvania's New Affiliation Guide)
Organizing for a local or statewide Green campaign for public office
Community organizing, including representing the Greens at local events
... or your own idea!
Typical requirements
You will be assigned a supervisor from the Green Party to work with one-on-one
At least 45 hours of documented activity, based on approval from your supervisor
Typically 3-5 hours per week, negotiable depending on your schedule
A short report and debriefing at the end of the experience to let us know how it went
After successfully completing the program, you will receive a letter of recommendation and certificate from the Green Party to document your experience. Not to mention pride in helping build the Green Party in our area!
We're happy to work with you and your school to tailor your experience to your interests and provide any additional documentation required to receive college credit, if allowed by your school. Please check with your school about details and requirements, and be sure to provide that information to us when applying.
For more information including other requirements and how to apply, please see the Green Wave of Pennsylvania website. You can also contact us directly with questions or idea proposals!